How to Use tree ring in a Sentence
tree ring
Berg found evidence of them in the record of tree rings.
—Alaska Dispatch News, 31 Aug. 2017
Changes in weather affect the width of each year’s tree ring.
—Washington Post, 5 Dec. 2020
Some of the tree ring experts involved in the work, on the other hand, are more convinced.
—Brian Amaral,, 26 Aug. 2022
Some take tree cores to get an insight into tree rings.
—Tik Root, Time, 7 Oct. 2019
Torrents of snow can knock over, bruise, or injure trees in ways that show up on tree rings.
—Umair Irfan, Vox, 15 Mar. 2018
But that stick only goes back about 2,000 years in climate records based on tree rings.
—Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 31 Jan. 2018
Murphy has studied megadroughts of the past using tree rings, and those droughts have lasted up to about 30 years.
—Ian James, azcentral, 7 June 2020
Then Muñoz’s team checked their work against another record: tree rings.
—Adam Rogers, WIRED, 4 Apr. 2018
The study’s tree ring record also provides a sobering view of what is possible in the West.
—Washington Post, 15 Feb. 2022
That's going to give us the outermost tree ring that was ever formed.
—CBS News, 11 Feb. 2018
The mud laminations, called varves, look like tree rings.
—Nathaniel Wilder, Smithsonian, 18 Apr. 2018
And carry this imagery straight to the earth’s core, connecting your own body to the fiery, molten layers, like so many tree rings.
—Bess Matassa, Teen Vogue, 13 Oct. 2018
Scientists can tell a lot about climate from tree rings.
—Julissa Treviño, Smithsonian, 12 Apr. 2018
The region is in the grip of a mega-drought, the worst in 1,200 years, according to researchers who have analyzed tree ring data.
—Jim Robbins, Smithsonian Magazine, 15 Feb. 2023
These include things like the size of annual tree rings or the ratio of oxygen isotopes found in ice.
—John Timmer, Ars Technica, 14 May 2024
The climate data gleaned from the tree ring samples fits closely with the instrumental record over the past 100 years.
—David Bressan, Forbes, 21 May 2021
Like tree rings or the rings found in mammoth tusks, the number of transverse stripes on the outside of nasal horns indicates the animal’s age.
—Jeanne Timmons, Ars Technica, 17 Sep. 2024
Much like an ice core or tree ring grows season after season, the sediment at the bottom of a blue hole builds up over time.
—J. Besl, Smithsonian Magazine, 13 June 2022
The layers of ice are a record of Mars’ past climate, similar to the way that tree rings record Earth’s past climate, scientists say.
—Fox News, 14 Feb. 2020
Examining tree rings and scorch marks, Stephens was able to construct a record of fires dating back to the sixteen-hundreds.
—Nicola Twilley, The New Yorker, 19 Aug. 2019
Like tree rings, dinosaur bones form concentric rings in their bone's cross-section.
—Elizabeth Gamillo, Discover Magazine, 5 Jan. 2024
Since the 1950s researchers have known that the concentration of radiocarbon in tree rings varies over time.
—Katherine Kornei, Scientific American, 6 Mar. 2023
If a storm damages and dramatically slows the growth of a tree, the tree ring will be much narrower than normal.
—Popular Science, 16 Oct. 2020
Examining the width of the tree rings in each core, for example, gives clues about when—and for how long—periods of drought occurred.
—Jenny Howard, National Geographic, 24 July 2019
Much like tree rings, the cones remained fairly distinct even after the animal died.
—Carl Zimmer, New York Times, 17 Jan. 2024
Williams said that tree ring records do provide some reason for hope — megadroughts do eventually end when the rains return.
—Washington Post, 15 Feb. 2022
Researchers have since identified ten major carbon-14 spikes, now known as Miyake events, in tree ring chronologies.
—Kim Beil, Smithsonian Magazine, 1 Mar. 2024
My landscape company was just working on my garden and finished edging all the beds and tree rings.
—Tim Johnson,, 5 Sep. 2017
Like tree rings, they can be used to infer developmental speeds and timing.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 13 Nov. 2024
Cosmic Onslaught Her team dissected tree rings from ancient wood samples, burned the cellulose — the main component of wood — to determine the radiocarbon content, and then compared the data to spikes in beryllium-10 found in ice cores from glaciers.
—Jamie Carter, Forbes, 28 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'tree ring.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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